Saturday, April 5, 2008

Reflections on friends

I must say to all that I have been so blessed with the most incredible bunch of friends. To all of you, many thanks for your support, kindness and listening ear when I am bouncing off my ideas. I realize now that I paint with so much inspiration from my friendships. To Mindy, you make my day always. Stacey, who shares my artistic intuition more than I could ever know. And Shirley, my art mentor who always listens to my Laura who loves me no matter what. Doreen, who can make me laugh when I need it most. Barbara, who keeps gently reminding me that the beauty in art is in the eye of the beholder when I think I am off the planet. And Carol, who views my art, offers encouragement and gives me new art mediums to try.(I still poke my fingers when I needle felt. LOL) Bernice, who encourages my strange explorations, laughs with me and still loves me. And to Mamma Joyce who was my model for Kiss the muse, my friend and my role model who encourages me to constantly kiss the rain.... I owe you all more than words can say. And my glorious family who supports and encourages me....I am humbly honored to be able to share my work. I thank the Good Lord above each night for you all and look forward to a new day dawning.
Thank you all for sharing your hearts and your time with me.

1 comment:

ingeniouslycreative said...

You are a glorious enrichment to my life Cath.
xoxo Carol